Felix Breuer's Blog

Feldenkrais' Spontaneous Action and Laozi's Wuwei

It has been out for a while already, but now I finally get around to announcing it here: my first venture into philosophy.

Moshé Feldenkrais’ work and Laozi’s classic, the Daode Jing, have both had a big effect on me and I have always been struck by how alike in spirit these (at first glance) very different philosophies are. In the summer of 2010, I heard a great talk by Steve Palmquist about parallels between the Daode Jing and Kant’s philosophy and this experience gave me the confidence to sit down and work out my own ideas on the relationship between Feldenkrais and Laozi.

The result is an article that has just been published by the Journal of Daoist Studies. You can

download a PDF of my article right here

or you can purchase an ebook or a printed copy of the entire journal from Lulu.
